Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Tried So Hard...

Since our anniversary (December 21st) I have been thinking about posting on the blog. I feel like I have so many things to share...then I get overwhelmed and I decide there is no way that I can get all my feelings into one or even five blog posts and then I just stay awake at night thinking about the blog I should be updating and I never really get around to it. Does anyone else feel like this? It makes me absolutely crazy. Don't worry, this one is about to get real...

As one of my goals for the New Year I decided that I would broaden my ability to cook different meals and stop ordering take-out every night-ish. One of my favorite things about living in the city is delivery. Every restaurant delivers...all of them. Oh, and not just food. We have Freshdirect and and and that will deliver not just your groceries but toiletries and pet food as well, with the option of free overnight delivery. To make my take out food dilemma even worse, there is an app called "Seamless", which I totally adore btw, that lets you order and pay for food online and have it delivered at your leisure. Rain or shine or blizzard the nicest delivery guys come and give you a nice warm meal and it's usually pretty affordable, especially when you are only feeding two people...anyway, I'm sure you can see that eventually it adds up so our bellies and pocketbooks were asking for a change!

I'm going to warn you, this blog is about my recent failures. I really took off and flew with this whole make dinners and stuff but as Buster Bluth once told his older brother, "Yes, I was flying. But a little too close to the sun." I had recently made a batch of delicious Cafe Rio Pork which we were able to enjoy for multiple meals. As we walked out of the train one day on our way home from work Benson told me he couldn't wait to get home and eat some delicious pork tacos...much to our dismay, we were out of fresh tortillas. We usually buy them from a Chex-Mex (Mexican food, made by Chinese people) restaurant right by our house and they are delicious! Fresh made, super cheap, you can't buy more than 9 at a time for some reason. Anyway, we were fresh out of tortillas and it was late and I didn't want to walk all the two blocks to the restaurant  So what did I decide to do? Use my new found cooking skills and make them! I found a few super easy, well rated recipes online and decided to try one out. They were disgusting. They tasted like play-dough. I failed.

They don't look that bad, but just seeing this
picture makes  me want to spit them out
all over again. 

Well, it doesn't end there. THEN, I decided a few days later that my little boy rain boots needed to become more like little girl rain boots. I had it all planned: I headed to the hardware store, pulled out my Spanish speaking skills to find out where to get some good spray paint, got a cute silver and light green color and headed home to create what I thought would be the envy of all the wellie wearers in the Big Apple. They looked like this:

Exhibit A

But, I kid you not, the moment I walked out the door they began to look like this:

Exhibit How Does This Even Happen?

And by the end of the day they looked like this:

So on our subway ride home that night I shared my rain boot woes with Benson. The boots surface was obviously too shiny! The paint had nothing to stick to...I knew what I needed to do. I would buy some sand paper, scrape off all the paint, sand down the shiny surface and re spray them! At this point Benson just looked at me and said, "Wouldn't it be so much easier at this point to just buy a new pair of boots?"  I'm sure he could see the disappointment on my face...but he was right. I needed to accept my losses on this one. 

I have to admit that it wasn't easy, deciding to let it go. Then, I realized...we don't have to do it all or even fix it all ourselves. It's okay to buy fresh tortillas. It's okay to save up and buy some rain boots that are more age appropriate instead of trying to salvage the ones you bought on clearance. And most of all, it's okay if things don't work out the way you planned. There is always next time.