Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Morning.

First Day of Driving: Provo, UT-Grand Island NE, 13 hours/817 miles

Our first day took us through Utah, Wyoming and half way through Nebraska. Some of our favorite sites included, but are not limited to: Red rocks in Northern Utah, a woman with a mullet driving a suburban with stickers of seductive, cartoon women in bum-less chaps all over the windows, millions of stores selling illegal fireworks and even one that doubled as a liquor store. Yes, folks, we were lucky enough to see the most flammable building in the world. No pictures, please. Any type of technology could create a spark and blow us all into Canada. Thank you.

Grand Island proved to be a treat. We stayed in a Hotel called American Comfort, or something like that, and it was run by a nice Indian family. The whole lobby actually smelled like Bombay House (if you have never eaten at Bombay House insert your favorite Indian food restaurant here), and made me strangely feel at home. The rooms were super nice. So nice that we brought our own bedding from the car to use…they were actually fine rooms, I’m just a hotel snob. Anyway, it served its purpose: give us a good night’s rest so we could make it 12 more hours the next day. On leaving the hotel we were surprised to find a sign that led us either to the freeway or to a place called Mormon Island, a local camping spot. 

What a welcome! Can't wait to live here someday...
Can anyone tell me who the strong blonde  guy in overalls is?

We decided to check it out, mostly because the name led me to believe that one day, when they want to put all the Mormons in one place, it would be there. It was not an island in any way shape or form…just some trees and camping plots. You want to know the funny thing? We saw three or four other cars from Utah and Idaho. Now, not to assume everyone from Utah and Idaho is Mormon, but…I’m going to assume that all of us had not been able to keep ourselves from a place called Mormon Island. Just in case it was an important landmark in our church history and we can buy some bonnets and root beer in glass bottles. Something about the word Mormon just makes Mormons come. We can’t help it. We like Mormon knick knacks. Which is why Nauvoo's economy hasn't totally collapsed during the recession.

Anyway, we finally made it out of  Mormon Island and on our way to the freeway when we saw a Walmart. Now, I am not a Walmart fan, never will be…but I couldn’t find a Target and I needed some lotion and razors or something like that. We got our stuff and proceeded to the checkout where we were kindly greeted by the clerk with a loud and very confident, “Hello Ladies!” followed by a questioning, “huh?” coming from Benson. I died. I laughed myself to tears while staring at the display of Doritos. I don’t know howBenson held it together, tears are streaming down my face as I write this…It was that funny. As we walked out I asked him why his only response was “huh” and he said that he was trying to give her a chance to correct herself…which she definitely didn’t do. I know what you are thinking. Give the lady a break, maybe Benson looked really girly that day. So, to prove that Benson was so clearly a male, I’m posting this picture taken before we left Grand Island that same morning. Please note the beard, and his very flat chest. Thank you. 

Here's another one, taken the day before at a rest stop...just in case you don't think the above is proof enough.

Manly, right?

On that note, here are a few more pictures from this leg of the trip:

I took a few pictures of the signs at
gas stations. Mostly so my children,
who I am sure will run cars  fueled
by air, can see what we  payed to
drive around back in our day.

By the end of day one little buddy was leaning like a cholo.
Just couldn't keep his head up, poor guy. 
And, can't help but leave you with this song...

Or this one that almost made it as our post title...
I dedicate it to the Bensonater, I couldn't say it better myself. 

On that sappy and sick love note, I'm going to watch some Parks and Rec with my super hott husband and try to keep my hands off him. 

Until next time,

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