Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's a Big World Baby

I'm sure it is obvious that I am super far behind in my blogging. I mean, this post goes all the way back to August. Yikes! Anyway, it breaks my heart to skimp on fun things (and people) that have come and gone but these next few posts are going to be quickies. This fall brought us a lot of fun visitors. In August, Vaughn had a conference in the city for a few days and even though he was busy I was lucky enough to spend my days with Margaret and Lucy. It was a lot of fun for me because Margaret knows the city even better than I do so we weren't pressed with a crazy agenda. Instead we ate great food, enjoyed nice conversation and took lots of walks. It was so nice for me to be able to get time to spend with Mags (who I consider just as much a friend as she is my sister) and play with Lucy and see her able to do so many fun things. I'm always grateful for the fun we had and can't wait for more visits where we can become the best of friends! On their last day in the city Vaughn got a call from their airline saying that their flight was cancelled. Although cancelled plans are a total pain, we were so glad to get them for one extra day! We celebrated with yummy NY pizza and Ben and Jerry's ice cream. 

Annie's Birthday Celebration in Sheep's Meadow

All Smiles, All the Time. 

Bank Rock Bridge Over Turtle Pond in CP.
Love Love Love.

I Spy With My Little Eye...

Lucy's Selfie
For some reason this series of pictures I took
got turned in to a stop motion movie...
totally strange but also kind of hilarious, right?

This is one of my favorite lullaby's that I would listen to with Eleanor when she was a baby and even still today. Whenever I play with my nieces and nephews I think of this song and how quickly they aren't going to be so little anymore. It's a big world baby and you're little for a little while!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post, Celia! Love you! Thanks for spending time with us! Xoxo
