Tuesday, March 18, 2014

There's a Million Things to Be, You Know That There Are.

At our first Craft Club meeting the girls came loaded with good ideas. One group of girls thought it would be a lot of fun to make the flower headbands that are so popular these days. It started out as a bridal trend but now, it is a fashion statement for everyday people. With all the baggy and boyish, "I don't really care that my hair isn't brushed today" styles that are becoming more popular it's important to add some feminine details. Whether it's lace around cut off shorts, floral patterns or crop tops...these little additions make a big difference. So, floral  headpieces seemed like a great idea and all the sudden I found myself in a place I've never visited at Michaels...silk florals. While buying supplies I was totally surprised at how expensive the silk flowers were, even with the 50% discount they had this week. BUT, to my relief they do have bunches that cost $1.99 and they were perfect for our headbands...Phew, craft crisis averted!

Normally at the beginning of the class I show them a quick "how to" and then once they get started I can finish my project and answer questions as needed. This week, I didn't even want to do my own craft because it was so much more fun watching what the ladies came up with.

I feel so lucky to get to hang out with these smart and creative girls every Monday. I was a little bummed as I was cleaning up because they girls who had wanted to do this craft seemed totally indifferent to the project and even left their headbands behind. Then, as one of the girls left she turned to me and said, "I am really pleased with how my headband turned out and I'm really glad I decided to come." So, I guess you could call it a success.

I've always loved this Cat Stevens song, and I can't help but find it really spot on to how I feel about people in general and more specifically the girls I get to do crafts with. I look back and wish I had understood the lyrics better when I was in my moody teenage years. I think I would have spent less time being moody and more time being me. 


  1. Your last sentence is so beautiful and powerful. Xoxoxo

    1. Thanks Mags! I really appreciate all the love you give to my blog (and me)!

  2. gah, I tried commenting on this a few weeks ago, but it didn't work.

    This is such a cool idea! Stay in NY and teach my future students crafts!
